Version Two
By Andrew Weisbeck at
Introducing Version 2.0!
Well I've been meaning to make this happen for some time, but I can finally announce it - Version Two is finally live! Yes, I actually did it. It took months of starting and stopping, crying and laughing, but I actually made the second version of my personal website and it is oh-my-lord-so-much-better.
It really took me forever to pick out the tech stack. I really wanted to use Next.js, but then after starting to use Deno this year, I knew I had to use Deno. Then I had decide whether I wanted to use Fresh, Aleph.js, or Ultra.js but then ultimately selected none of them and went with Lume. Lume ended up being fantastic as it operates very similarly to my favorite SSG, Eleventy - well, I suppose I'd say Lume is in that category, except they need to get their community on the level that 11ty is on.
There were some challenging parts to the website to develop, namely the skills progress bars that show my experience with each technology. I also had a hard time with figuring out just how to style the website in general - I didn't really do a layout like I should have in Figma because I was going to just "wing it", which always seems to work out so well. It did in this case, kind of like my old website, but really because I just kind of let myself go with the flow on where Deno and Lume were taking me.
To conclude my post about my new website, I wanted to announce that this blog was chosen by myself to be the official Version Two blog! Oh man, I'm so thrilled because I just gave myself the honors of blogging for my own website - I never thought I would be in such a prestigious position to be able to help myself out like this.
I don't want to spill too many beans on the details on how the website was made, because that is the duty of my technical docs website, I want y'all to head over there and read more about how I created in detail - you can also find many of my other projects on that site as well. It was made with Docusaurus, so it is super fun!
Thank you for reading this most recent blog post and I will have many more coming out so check back in and say hi!